THE MONUMENT MYTHOS currently consists of three seasons, plus two spin-off series ("THE NIXONVERSE" and "THE MODERN DAY"). Note that the order in which episodes are released is not necessarily indicative of the order in which they are meant to be viewed. The list is organized by playlist order.
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"America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)" was the national anthem of the United States.
Over the course of two years, a man named Riley Tillon uploaded a series of four videos, the last of which prompted an investigation over concerns over his safety. The episode acts as a compilation of those uploads.
In the first upload, Riley explains his theory of "the Cornerfolk", transdimensional creatures able to leap between intersecting dimensional planes the corners where those planes intersect. He believes his house to be the site of several such corners, and he has captured footage of the Cornerfolk in transit in various corners of his home.
In the second upload, Riley provides an update, showing that some of the Cornerfolk have begun stopping over in his house for longer periods of time, seemingly even sleeping there. He interprets this as the Cornerfolk feeling safe in the corners of his home and suggests that their own home dimension, which he dubs "the Cornerworld", may be composed of similarly angled structures. Noting how the young Cornerfolk seem to have impressions on their skin as if of having been pressed against a surface, he speculates that certain areas of the Cornerworld are comprised of rotating structures that contain young Cornerfolk and prevent them from wandering off to unsafe dimensional planes.
The third upload shifts to live action, with Riley's house now darkened and the walls covered in drawings of what he thinks the Cornerworld looks like. He admits that he has become obsessed with the Cornerfolk and their world, dreaming about them and obsessing to the point of having lost his job due to repeated absences. He says that he believes he is close to finding a way to reach the Cornerworld himself, and that he intends to do so whether or not his own body survives the journey.
The fourth upload, posted just over a year later, consists of handheld camera footage from Riley as he carefully positions himself facing a ceiling corner of his house. After a moment he sprints forward, only for the camera to be transported into a dark void containing a single point of light. The point grows ever closer and reveals itself to be similar to what Riley speculated the Cornerworld to be: a bright circular core surrounded by an ever-spinning lattice of intersecting lines. The distorted sound of a scream becomes audible, and the camera cuts out.
A final series of title cards reveals that, following an extended absence, Riley was found asleep in his home by police, who had been called to do a wellness check by his viewers. A medical investigation revealed that his internal organs had been "folded" across multiple axes, prompting immediately medical attention. Riley ultimately survived, remaining in the care of his friends as of 2020 and having developed a newfound fondness for origami.
- Body Horror: The trip through the Cornerworld did a number on Riley's anatomy, folding his internal organs across multiple creases. Perhaps most bizarrely, he somehow manages to survive and even at least partially recover from this.
- Canon Welding: The episode was originally a standalone video but would later be made part of the Mythos.
- Early-Installment Weirdness: Given that this video predates the Mythos proper, it is the only one of the series to not feature a themed message in the description.
- Eldritch Location: The Cornerworld seems to be this, given the brief glimpse Riley gets when he enters it during the final video.
- Four Is Death: The fourth video Riley uploads is the one which depicts his ill-fated attempt to enter the Cornerworld and is the upload that prompted an investigation into his safety. Subverted, as he ultimately survives.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: During the section when Riley talks about how some parts of the Cornerworld might act to prevent young Cornerfolk from wandering away, the words "NURSERY" and "SECURE" briefly transform into "PRISON" and "TRAPPED" respectively, suggesting that the Cornerfolk might not be quite as benevolent as Riley believes.
- Mood Whiplash: The first two tapes are (with the exception of the above Freeze-Frame Bonus) rather lighthearted, using brightly-colored simple visuals and depicting the Cornerfolk as a harmless curiosity and Riley as a casual observer. The third video, on the other hand, immediately shifts to live action, drops the cheery music, and shows that Riley has become dangerously obsessed with the Cornerfolk and their world.
The episode opens with an 1889 interview with Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the designer of the Statue of Liberty. In the excerpt, Bartholdi states that the hardest part of the design process was the pedestal, as the team would constantly receive requests from the American government to change the dimensions of the base. After four years, the change requests finally ceased and the Statue could finally be completed. Bartholdi notes that he's often asked why the Statue's base is so much larger than the Statue itself; he can only tell those people to ask the Americans.
The next segment informs us about renovations to the Statue of Liberty which where performed in 1949 but remained classified for 36 years. A presentation of these plans, "ST-LI 1.8084", informs us that these plans were done to provide an entrance for "sustenance" and to install an engine to help with "eventual departure". The renovations apparently included the installation of wheels and an axle to move the statue, as well as a drain and "waste storage" inside the pedestal.
The third segment explains that, during 1954, many of the immigrants who passed through the Ellis Island immigration station on Liberty Island complained of a foul odor. In a recorded interview, one of these immigrants, a girl named Eleonora Bramante, explains how the whole place smelled like a slaughterhouse and was covered with dead birds. Her father joked that the cities must be even worse, and some of the people she stayed with were half-seriously talking about going back to Italy due to the overpowering stench. She then recalls how sometimes, in the evenings, she would see lines of people being led into the base of the statue by officials. These people would never come back out, and the next day the slaughterhouse smell would be even worse. The episode notes that the immigration station then closed the following November.
The final segment claims to show footage of the "Libertylurker" when it was first sighted in August 1985. The corroded video footage shows the Statue of Liberty sliding aside on its pedestal with a loud mechanical noise. For a split second something can be seen emerging from the base, but the footage cuts before any clear detail can be made out. A final pair of title cards claims that the waste storage compartment inside the Statue was likened to a mass grave by authorities who investigated, and that those whose relatives were last seen at Ellis Island between 1949 and 1954 may be entitled to compensation.
- Conditioned to Accept Horror: Implied. The end of the episode casually notes that people whose family members disappeared at Ellis Island in a certain time range- implicitly meaning they were fed to the Libertylurker- may be entitled to financial compensation, in the same dispassionate tone of a commercial informing viewers about a legal settlement for people unwittingly exposed to hazardous materials.
- Nothing Is Scarier: Almost nothing is actually seen of the Libertylurker, as the clip cuts off right as it begins to emerge from the pedestal. All we see is a pair of horn-like objects rising into view. It's also left unstated what actually happened after the Libertylurker emerged, including whether or not it was successfully recontained.
- To Serve Man: It's all but stated that the immigrants who disappeared from Ellis Island were fed to the Libertylurker.
Archivist's Note:
-It is believed that all surviving audio recordings of the infamous 1889 Libertylurker interview with Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi are fakes produced by American publicists at the turn of the twentieth century. Archaic spellings and other minor deviations in the French transcription can be attributed to these publicists. The deviations have been preserved to maintain the transcription's historical integrity.
-While American publicists correctly capitalized "États-Unis" (United States) in their transcriptions of Libertylurker interviews, French writers often left the country in lowercase to subtly hint at their own anti-American sentiments.
-Includes a newly restored clip from ST-LI 1.8084. Film damage is no longer visible.
The episode starts with a slideshow stating that, on August 7th of 2003, the Mount Rushmore memorial was vandalized. The painted message claims that the US government is funding mass murder under the guise of national monuments, and that executions occur in more than two thousand monuments every day. The writer then claims that "THE BLOOD OF LIBERTY WILL BE AVENGED" (presumably referring to the immigrants sacrificed to the Libertylurker in the 20th century) and that "THE SOULS OF LINCOLN WILL BE FREED", a reference which goes unexplained for now.
One week later, another set of graffiti is found in the same handwriting elsewhere on the monument. This one claims that they will be introducing an "infection" to the monument during the next week, between 10:12 and 10:13 PM of each night. In response, the National Park Service assign patrols to monitor the area during the specified time and record footage of any anomalies they observe.
The bulk of the remainder of the episode consists of the footage those patrols captured. On Monday, a faint light can be seen falling from the sky over the mountain, landing out of sight with a distant boom. On Tuesday, a stationary light can be seen between two of the heads, blinking rapidly for a moment before going out. On Wednesday no anomalies are visible, but a strange howling sound can be heard in the background. On Thursday, a small spike is shown to be growing from the top of the mountain, which appears to have grown bigger when recorded again on Friday night. On Saturday, we don't actually get to see what happened, but based on the siren sounds audible (and the fact that the patrolling officer was presumably too alarmed to bother removing the damn lens cap), it probably isn't good. And on Sunday, we see a brief flash of the infection in its full form: a series of vast spikes growing across the entire monument, the faces of which have now been deformed and are barely recognizable.
In a final note, a local photographer mentions that Mount Rushmore now smells strongly of baby powder. She claims that this is because of the patrols they now send along the mountain each night, covering the entire monument in an unidentified powder.
- And This Is for...: Implied. The initial vandalism has the author specifically call out the sacrifice of immigrants at Ellis Island and the imprisonment of Lincolnlookers as being among the atrocities committed by the US government.
- Call-Forward: The message claiming that "THE SOULS OF LINCOLN WILL BE FREED" is a reference to LINCOLNLOOKER, an episode which was released before this one but is placed after it in the playlist.
- Foreshadowing: The spikes seen growing from the top of Mount Rushmore on Sunday look decidedly similar to the design of the Special Trees seen in later episodes.
- Nothing Is Scarier: We don't get to see any of what is happening on Saturday because of the lens cap, but the sirens suggest that it's quite bad. We also only get a brief glimpse of the full infection on Sunday.
- Rushmore Refacement: Played for horror. The Sunday footage reveals that Mount Rushmore has been mostly covered up by a strange growth which has distorted the faces and caused dozens of massive spikes to sprout from the top of the sculptures.
Archivist's Note:
-Perpetrators of the Rushmore Revenge incident remain at large.
This episode opens with a shot of Alcatraz Island on a foggy day. A caption informs us of the footage's location and that it is "2 DAYS BEFORE THERAPY", though what that means is unclear. We then cut to a presentation on the layout of Alcatraz, the creators of which apparently decided to score it with relaxing vacation music. The map includes various features which make sense for a prison, such as fortifications and a stockade, as well as others which are slightly more unusual but not especially strange, like tennis courts and an on-site morgue. But there are also some more unusual inclusions, such as a "detector shed", possible "ruins", and a number of oddly-shaped but weirdly organic-looking structures which aren't labeled.
After another, closer shot of Alcatraz, this one taken one day before therapy (still unclear what that means), we cut to another presentation. This one demonstrates the process of something called "ALCATRAZOSIS", which seem to be a play on the cell division process of mitosis and meiosis. The animation shows the strange organic-looking structure inside the main prison rearranging its internal components, before dividing into two near-identical copies. It's unclear how this works on such a large scale, but the implication is as clear as it is horrifying: Alcatraz itself seems to be, in some way, alive... and, if the "Alcatrazosis" presentation is accurate, possibly able to reproduce.
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- Five-Second Foreshadowing: Though not explicitly labeled, the strange unidentified structures inside Alcatraz during the first presentation are shaped suspiciously similarly to structures in a cell, with the one visible just before the camera cuts away being a dead ringer for the endoplasmic reticulum, foreshadowing the nature of the island.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: The US government bombards Alcatraz with radiation in hopes of either killing or sterilizing it. Instead, the radiation gives it the ability to multiply exponentially faster than it otherwise could have.
Archivist's Note:
-The 2003 Alcatraz Attack continues to baffle the scientific community.
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- Lighter and Softer: The first episode of the series to not feature any overt horror elements.
Archivist's Note:
-Excerpt from the 2002 documentary "DEANDEMOCRACY: A Look Back at America's 37th President."
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- Call-Back: The three shown locations where the Angel drops of packages are Mount Rushmore, the Golden Gate Bridge (which sits in the same bay as Alcatraz Island), and Liberty Island.
Archivist's Note:
-It remains a mystery how the Angel bypassed the anti-burglar doors of Air Force One. The doors' jagged sides and sophisticated lock mechanisms were designed to ensure that no slim jim would be effective. Peculiar distortions in the plastic doorway of the main entrance were attributed to the Angel.
-Nearly all existing photographs and videos of the Angel were taken at stops Air Force One made during its flight.
-Air Force One was successfully shot down when it re-entered the restricted airspace of Washington, D.C.
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- And I Must Scream: Those selected to be a Lincolnlooker are abducted from their homes, shoved inside the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial, and forced to sit inside there for four to eight years, with nothing to do but look out through the eyeholes and occasionally be fed some kind of nutrient soup through a straw.
- Mistaken Identity: Maya Arnoldson was misidentified as the person Ronald Reagan had selected as a Lincolnlooker and spent two weeks imprisoned inside the Lincoln Memorial before the error was discovered.
Archivist's Note:
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- Epileptic Flashing Lights: The description provides a warning about this for the 2003 event.
- Meaningful Background Event: The video originally claims that 20 people have disappeared at the Washington Monument and been labeled the "Washington Absentees", but viewers who look closely will notice that only 19 photos are present, lining up with the video's later claim in the aftermath of the 2003 event. The description provides a brief mention of the "20th Washington Absentee", although it will be another full season before that's followed up on.
Archivist's Note:
-Footage from the 2003 event may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
-Includes a newly restored clip from Washington Standard Operation. Film damage is no longer visible.
-The 20th Washington Absentee has been identified.
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- He Knows Too Much: Implied. The Delaware River Journal is stated to have been shut down one day after this story aired.
- Human Popsicle: George Washington seems to have become this, having been frozen after being dumped into the Delaware River while near death. After being thawed out, he lives just long enough to say some Famous Last Words before lapsing into a coma.
Archivist's Note:
-Partially restored.
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- Wham Line: When Rockefeller is recounting his meeting with the children affected by the accident and the apparent changes to their memory, he casually drops this line confirming that the changes between our timeline and the series timeline go back a lot farther than we thought:
Rockefeller: For example, each of the affected children claimed that I had become the wealthiest man in America through an oil monopoly. It is common knowledge that I did work at an oil refinery in my youth, but to completely deny my two terms as President and insist instead that I had always been a mere philanthropist struck me as being particularly odd.
Archivist's Note:
-Although primarily written by Virginia herself, the final draft of "Virginia in Wonderland" does contain words and phrases provided by her legal guardian for clarification.
-Construction of the Rockefeller Center began in early 1930, when pre-existing buildings in the area were demolished to provide space. The Center's original Christmas tree, raised by its own construction workers, was first seen by J.D. Rockefeller toward the end of this period of demolitions. Inspired, Rockefeller handpicked three trees for the next three Christmases (1931, 1932, 1933). The Special Tree would make its first appearance at the Center on the fourth year (1934).
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- Stylistic Suck: The editing in the video is deliberately crude and cheap-looking, specifically designed to resemble the primitive Windows Movie Maker presentation videos created by many first-time video editors in the early days of YouTube.
Archivist's Note:
-Two cameras were used during the Arnoldsons' trip: a professional photography camera and a one-time-use video camcorder. The inexpensive camcorder produced low-quality clips, which were further degraded by the stabilization effects added with Maize Movie Maker.
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- Would Hurt a Child: Freedom ends up killing and skinning Nina in order to cover itself in her flesh. Ultimately zigzagged, as Nina is later shown to have survived in spirit and become a part of Freedom alongside her father.
Archivist's Note:
-To minimize geographical disorientation, the Monarca's route was simulated with a contemporary map from our timeline. The modern-day borders of European countries are widely known.
-In regards to Freedom's "metal eyelids," as mentioned in Nina Crawford's journal, it is believed that the child was unfamiliar with the term 'plaster' and instead named the most durable material she knew of: metal.
E pluribus unum – Latin for "Out of many, one" – was the official motto of the United States.
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- Adaptational Heroism: In-universe. Riley Tillon in the short film, though obsessed with the Cornerworld to the detriment of his own health, ultimately seems to have done no harm to them or anyone else. The person who inspired him, not so much.
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- Expy: Maize Machines is an obvious one to Apple, being a technology company founded by two men with the same first name (one of whom has a last name that's a synonym for "Jobs") and ultimately becomes a household name in the field of portable electronics.
- Nothing Is Scarier: It's never actually stated what went wrong with Maize home computers. All we know is that it led to the government outlawing personal computers and creating designated hazardous waste disposal sites for ones that already existed, and that this was such a significant threat that the government chose to temporarily waive Fourth Amendment rights in order to seize said computers for disposal.
Statement from Maize:
-Did you know that several photographs of President Dean have been manipulated to protect legitimate national security interests? Visit our TWTTR account for more fun facts! 🌽
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- Denser and Wackier: While not without some disturbing content, the episode is mostly a relatively silly Bottle Episode with little connection to the overall rest of the series.
- Ripped from the Headlines: The episode was made to tie in with the story of the Ever Given, a real life cargo ship which made international news by getting lodged in the Suez Canal, preventing other ships from passing and causing a severe disruption to international trade.
''Statement from Maize:
-Arabic text is incompatible with English T-Machines. To view a TWTTR post sent from an Arabic T-Machine, please use an Arabic T-Machine. Likewise, please use an Arabic intelligent device to watch MNN (Maize News Network) broadcasts in Arabic. Otherwise, the text on-screen will be distorted. Share these tips with your friends and family on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: In addition to President James Dean, Walt Disney is implied to have gone into medicine rather than becoming a pioneer of the entertainment industry, given the reference to Dean being treated at the "Walt Disney Medical Center". Given that the real Disney worked at the Red Cross during World War I, it's likely that in the Deanverse he decided to pursue this full time rather than shifting to work on animation and business.
Statement from Maize:
-Out of respect for Deaf culture, the surgical procedures developed under the Dean administration were made optional for all Americans. However, acute social pressure compelled nearly every citizen with deafness to accept medical treatment. Those who were against treatment were frequently ostracized from society, and some were even harassed into fleeing the country. What do you think of President James Dean and the Great Siren Disaster? Share your thoughts on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Benevolent Precursors: The ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids in order to contain the Special Trees, as well as trimming the trees with special swords in order to prevent them from growing out of control.
- Cryptic Background Reference: At one point Leonard Morlin makes a casual reference to the fact that the cutting down of Special Trees only became possible in 1945; the episode doesn't elaborate on this, although the choice of year would suggest that the development of nuclear weapons was key to this breakthrough. It wouldn't be until THE TRINITY DESK PROJECT, a full two and a half seasons later, that the series would elaborate on this.
Statement from Maize:
-There are no extraterrestrials. Visit our TWTTR account for more fun facts! 🌽
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- Once More, with Clarity: Multiple events from previous episodes, including the apparent death of Thomas Crawford, the fate of Maya Arnoldson, and Lauren's encounter with a Canyon Crown are revisited in this episode, now with the added context of the nature of Giza Glass and the history of Project Giza Guardian.
Statement from Maize:
-Happy Independence Day! 🌽
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- Darker and Edgier: Or rather, Darker and More Somber. Despite being a Sequel Episode to the otherwise rather silly CANYONCROWN, this episode quickly transitions into a quiet, somber look into Lauren's grief at the loss of her father. This was very intentional, as Alex themself was in a similar place mentally at the time after their own father passed away.
- Meaningful Background Event: The Canyoncrown that approaches Lauren's house in the climactic scene can be seen drifting past the treetops for several seconds in an earlier shot, but will likely go unnoticed by first-time viewers because it's partly hidden by the treetops and moving slowly enough to resemble a cloud or oddly-shaped part of the tree.
- Mood Whiplash: Twice in quick succession. The episode starts off as another upbeat Stylistic Suck Windows Movie Maker-style presentation, then transitions into a somber memorial to Lauren's lost father, and then just as quickly shifts into an incredibly tense scene of Lauren hiding from a Canyon Crown.
Statement from Maize:
-We hope you're happy wherever you are. 🌽
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- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Why does Rockefeller consider Crowns to be the ideal workforce? They're unable to rebel because of their lack of communication abilities, they're unable to escape because of their restraints, and... they are unable to form unions.
- He Was Right There All Along: On a meta level. The Air Force One Angel is revealed to have been present- completely unnoticed by the entire fanbase- in the background of two of the photographs from ROCKEFELLERTREETRAGEDY, as highlighted by the end of the episode.
- The Reveal:
- Lauren Arnoldson is now running the Doctor Disturbing YouTube channel, meaning that her father Nathaniel was the original owner of the channel.
- The Air Force One Angel is an amalgamation of the consciousnesses of the soldiers who operated the anti-airship death ray, having merged into a single entity in order to stabilize themselves and take revenge on Rockefeller.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Despite claiming to be opposed to slavery, Rockefeller was willing to sign off on enslaving Crowns because, as he felt, they were no longer human anymore and thus had forfeited their basic rights.
Statement from Maize:
-What do you think happened to President Rockefeller? Share your theories on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Ambiguous Situation: Who exactly is the "Everett" that Virginia met while in Wonderland, and who was the "her" he was looking for? Given that Wonderland is implied to exist outside of space and time as we know it, he might well have been Virginia's own future son searching for her (which would make his existence and name a Stable Time Loop), but nothing is confirmed within the episode.
Statement from Maize:
-Everett Arnoldson, commonly referred to as the 20th Washington Absentee, is a humanoid creature that is purported to inhabit the forests of the Washington Zone. Have you ever seen Everett? Share your sightings on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Person of Mass Destruction: The ADA view the Angel this way, intending to convert them into a "walking atom bomb" in order to evict the Horned Serpent from its resting place beneath the United States.
Statement from Maize:
-Both the "Anti-Device Association" and the splinter group "Advocates for the Division of America" are criminal organizations. If you encounter members of either group, please report them to your local authorities.
-The 2003 World Egg Transmission was produced digitally by the ADA and converted to an analog signal for broadcasting.
-UZA maps are updated yearly to reflect the expanding nature of the Three Zones. Keep up with the latest developments on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Wham Line: The conversation with Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi starts off as an almost exact match for the interview in the original LIBERTYLURKER, with him saying to "ask the Americans" about why the pedestal is so large. But then the audio goes a little bit farther, and we get perhaps the biggest reveal in the series so far:
Bartholdi: But I know why the pedestal is so massive, so tall. I simply cannot bring myself to tell them the truth, I am not strong enough. The truth being that I designed an abattoir. Just for him. Grant told me that he used to be normal like us. He called him the Horned Serpent, or Hanodaganears. "The devourer of villages." It was the name given to George Washington by the Iroquois. This was no coincidence. Their damned founding father locked up in my foundation.
Statement from Maize:
-Archaic spellings and other minor deviations in the French transcriptions can be attributed to American publicists (often Liberty Liars) at the turn of the twentieth century. These deviations have been preserved to maintain the transcriptions' historical integrity.
-While American publicists correctly capitalized "États-Unis" (United States) in their transcriptions of Libertylurker interviews, French writers often left the country in lowercase to subtly hint at their own anti-American sentiments.
-Cthonaut, designation, derived from the Greek words for underworld and sailor. Ask a question to a real Cthonaut on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Dissonant Serenity: As seen in their quote in the description, Maize doesn't seem too concerned about the impending destruction of Earth.
- Series Fauxnale: This episode very much seems like a finale, given that it ends with the destruction of the entire universe (or at least planet) that we've been watching so far, but there are still at least two seasons after it (three if you count The Nixonverse).
- Wham Line: One of the biggest in the series at the time, as- for those who hadn't already guessed it via the appearance of Earth post-Division- the very last line of the episode confirms how two seemingly standalone episodes have been a Stealth Sequel to the main storyline all along:
Survivors of the Great Division are known as Cornerfolk. note
Statement from Maize:
-Did you know that the Horned Serpent is a True Force of Mass Destruction (TFMD)?
-President George Washington was born on February 22, 1732.
-Toodle-oo! Type your last words on TWTTR! 🌽
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- Rewatch Bonus: The significance of the scene depicting what appears to be the car accident which killed James Dean in our timeline only becomes clear when rewatching the episode after viewing later ones.
- Shout-Out: The episode contains numerous ones to Superman, from the episode title referencing Superman's nickname of "the Last Son of Krypton" to the use of the actual intro to the old Superman radio show.
Photographs of the Last Son were sent in anonymously. Regards, the Avenues.
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- You Can't Fight Fate: The inhabitants of the Nixonverse, or at least Alice Avenue, seem to believe heavily in Determinism, stating that the men on the beaches of Normandy were inevitably destined to die until the Knight- a man from a different world entirely- intervened to save them.
A report from our very own Alice. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Humans Are Bastards: The titular Queen initially makes no hostile moves toward the crew of Apollo 11, simply giving a grandiose speech about human potential and how they will need to change in order to adapt to the future. The humans promptly respond by opening fire on her, leading to the Queen's retaliation.
Both the raygun and the wand depicted are symbols. They are stand-in representations for real-world devices. Similarly, the speaker emblem is indicative of dialogue being spoken on the Moon. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Religious Horror: The United States in the Nixonverse is implied to have become some kind of Christian theocracy, using a monstrous entity resembling Jesus on the cross to perform a "sweep and redeem" of Vietnam, seemingly leading to the US annexing the country as the "first saved state".
- Wham Shot: At the end of the episode, the camera zooms in on the "Photograph of God" that Ed Dwight captured while on the Moon, revealing that the figure in question is none other than Richard Nixon and confirming the significance of the side story's title.
Welcome to the Nixonverse. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Brainwashed and Crazy: The Jesus-like entity briefly seen in the previous episode turns out to be the Last Son, having been brought under American control after being hit with nuclear weapons and forcibly implanted with a Lunarian eye.
Alice was among the first to step foot in Dark Alaska. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Canon Welding: Originally an entire standalone series in and of itself, the episodes were ultimately compiled into a single long video and made into an installment of the series proper. By extension this also applies to some of Alex Casanas's old short films, including The Crescent King and Little Lanky, which are reused as part of this series.
No one is gone forever. Like the Monument Mythos, The House in the Ocean is a collection of American urban legends. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Wham Shot: At the end of the clip documenting the Last Son's "evolution", the camera zooms out one last time... to reveal the gargantuan figure of the Crescent King.
Like Jesus, he became a carpenter. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Aliens Are Bastards: The Lunarians invade Earth (or at least America) by gradually rendering humans incapable of fluently using their own language, forcing them to speak the Lunarian language instead. Admittedly an American crew provoked their anger by shooting their Queen, but this sort of attack is Disproportionate Retribution in the extreme.
- Tempting Fate: The final scene of Alice's speech has her maintain the hope that, if the speech doesn't convince the Crescent King to reverse his destruction of the English language, then at the very least it will bring the D-Day Knight out of retirement to save them. Cue an immediate cut to a photograph of the D-Day Knight standing off the top of the Chrysler Building... and throwing Alice Avenue off the tower to her death.
Revers King. Returnn languge. Rehguards, Avinews.
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- Arc Words: The series-spanning use of the phrase "Grief can make you a monster" (and variants thereof) begins here.
- Eldritch Abomination: Whatever it is that the Knight turns into in the final sequence. His face has become so distorted that nothing can be made out except a single eye.
Grief can make you a monster. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Humans Are Bastards: This turns out to be the reason why the Moon God refuses to travel to Earth. He split off the three pieces of himself to assess the nature of the planet's inhabitants, and over the last few decades all three of them have met various awful fates at the hands of humanity.
Nixon / The Moon God: Your world will never be kind.
- The Reveal: The Last Son, the D-Day Knight, and the Queen of the Lunarians are all pieces of the Moon God, who in turn split off from the Horned Serpent after the events of ALCATRAZAPOCALYPSE.
Ed Dwight was the first man on the Moon. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Screw Destiny: The D-Day Knight does not take kindly to the Queen of the Lunarians attempting to convert him into their prince, launching an attack which destroys the entire Lunarian presence on Earth.
- Shout-Out: The title is a reference to Flashpoint (DC Comics), and more specifically its animated adaptation The Flashpoint Paradox, which is another comic story that concerns the multiverse.
Thank you, Ed Dwight. Regards, the Avenues.
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- Compilation Movie: Compiles the entirety of The Nixonverse into a single video, with some added footage to help address some things which were unclear in the original series.
"I am Montgomery Clift" was a political television advertisem*nt directed by Montgomery Clift, an American actor who served as the 37th president of the United States.
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- Freeze-Frame Bonus: Two brief messages, "DON'T LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW" and "DON'T STAND NEAR THE MIRROR", can be seen at the very ends of Part 1 and Part 2 respectively.
- Jump Scare: Immediately after a title card advises the viewer to "remain still and breathe regularly", the video suddenly cuts to a series of close-up illustrations of demonic faces, scored by a much louder and more intense song than the previous sections.
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- The Bus Came Back: Howard Melrose returns to the series after being absent since SUEZCANALCRAB.
- Riddle for the Ages: So what exactly is the Washington Wanderer? This episode marks its only known appearance in the series, and we get only a single shot of it standing on top of the destroyed Washington Monument. The only hint we get is that it may be somehow related to Virginia, given that a song associated with her begins being sung by the Special Trees shortly before its appearance.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Howard Melrose knows.
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- Ambiguous Situation: It's unclear to what degree the story should be taken literally versus to what degree it's meant to be metaphorical. The backstory given for the Horned Serpent here directly contradicts The Reveal from LIBERTYLURKERS that the Serpent was George Washington, but at the same time that idea was also somewhat ambiguous in its explanation, leaving the situation rather muddled.
- Kill the God: The snakes in the creation myth perform this with the aid of a statue animated by Giza Glass.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-The Horned Serpent lives.
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- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: The Angel, regretful of their role in inadvertently destroying the Earth, follows Cthonaut A's advice and travels back in time to prevent the Great Division.
- Wham Shot: After Cthonaut A and the Angel's conversation, we get a shot of the Earth from space captioned with the date 2/22/22, the date that the Great Division happened... and then, without any apparent activity, the date rolls over to 2/23/22.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Godspeed, Angel.
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- Call-Back: The idea of using enslaved Crowns as a form of transportation returns from ROCKEFELLERREVELATION, with Musk seemingly having Crowns pull an airborne transport vehicle over the Martian surface.
- Real After All:
- After ALCATRAZAPOCALYPSE cast doubt on the veracity of the events of STARRYSPHINX, this episode seems to confirm that at least some of what was discussed there was true, given that there are indeed giant obelisks on Mars.
- The creation myth from MONUMENTMYTHOLOGY seems to have some truth to it as well, given that this episode confirms the existence of a second Horned Serpent on Mars.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-The Martian Serpent lives.
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- Sensory Abuse: After Freedom cuts the Angel's head off, the screen cuts to black and we're treated to a deafening cacophony as the music decays into discordant screeching and some kind of distorted electronic noise begins to take over the audio. FREEDOMFOREVER would ultimately confirm this to be the sound of the Angel's severed head turning into a new kind of Crown.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Stalemate, Angel.
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- Cosmic Retcon: The Angel's division and subsequent Time Travel has resulted in an entirely new timeline (nicknamed "The Montyverse" by fans) where James Dean is prevented from running for president due to his grief over his sister's suicide, leading to his friend Montgomery Clift running instead with Dean as his vice president. It also seems to result in Howard Melrose being born earlier in the timeline than he was in the Deanverse, given that his appearance in those episodes made him look too young to have been alive at the time Dean or Monty would have been elected.
- Dead All Along: Eunice, the woman Howard has called on the phone in most of his previous appearances, turns out to not be a wife or sister, but rather a stranger who called him for the first time shortly before she killed herself. It's implied that he's continued calling her as a way of coping with having witnessed her death and being unable to prevent it.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Everyone loves you, Monty.
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- Body Horror: American Wonderland Syndrome, or AWS, is caused by exposure to the Horned Serpent Metastructure and results in the victim's body becoming distorted, seemingly resulting in them turning into monsters. The Freeze-Frame Bonus at the end reveals that there is no cure for AWS, and that the only treatment options are indefinite supportive care or euthanasia.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Euthanasia is an option for those suffering from American Wonderland Syndrome.
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- Adaptational Villainy: In sharp contrast to the at worst Ambiguously Evil Dean from the Deanverse, the Montyverse version of James Dean is so twisted by the death of his sister and his belief that Howard Melrose somehow caused it that he stages a nationwide manhunt for the teenager and even hijacks Air Force Two and crashes it into a passenger plane carrying him out of a misguided desire for revenge.
- Tragic Villain: At his heart Dean is a man struggling with deep-seated pain over the loss of his sister, but his grief made him a monster.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-The portrait of Vice President James Dean at 0:26 has not been found.
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- Mythology Gag: A lot of the details from this episode, including the bolting of chairs around the Statue of Liberty's base and the mention of Oppenheimer, mirror plot points from The Trinity Desk Project, another project from Alex Casanas which was ultimately deleted due to Alex's dissatisfaction with the result. Given that most of the plot points of this episode go unmentioned for the rest of the season, it's unclear what if anything these connections were meant to mean.
- Take That, Audience!: Cthonaut A gives a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to the viewers at the end of the episode, ranting about the fact that they still support James Dean (as evidenced by a community poll Alex had posted before the episode) even despite his horrible actions in this timeline.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-After Clift spoke, James Dean, alive and well, joined him in the spotlight. Dean declared into the microphone, “Monty Clift is the one man in the world who can prevent nuclear war.”
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- Meaningful Echo: Everett's final words before the end of the video- "For Father. For Mother. For everyone."- are a deliberate mirror of his father's words shortly before his suicide in the Season Two finale ("For Everett. For Virginia. For America."), highlighting that both are on their way to meet their fates but for very different reasons.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Good luck, Everett Arnoldson.
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- The Bus Came Back: After being absent from the entirety of Season Three, Lauren Arnoldson returns to present the segment revealing the new constellation formed by the Angel, Freedom, and Everett.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: After in-universe decades of pain and suffering, the components of the Angel and Freedom, as well as Everett, are finally able to be at peace, their souls having become stars in the night sky. Their combination also allowed them to destroy the Martian Serpent, preventing it from destroying Earth, and their selflessness in doing so was enough of an act of kindness to convince Cthonaut A to leave this universe as promised.
- Fusion Dance: Everett, Freedom, and what's left of the Angel merge into a single being, referred to only as "A more perfect union" within the episode.
Cthonaut Transmission:
-Mr. Serling and his publishers agreed that "The Death of President Dean" was a far more eye-catching title than "The Death of Vice President Dean." After all, many expected Dean to run for office after Clift's term ended. A foolish dream.
''"What If Little Rob Had A Say" was a political advertisem*nt directed by Robert Pattinson, an English actor who was able to serve as the 47th American president due to his parents' military service.
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- Facial Horror: Donald Trump's mugshot shows the former president to be bleeding heavily from the eyes and mouth.
- Shout-Out: The original cover art of American Psycho is used as the cover of American President, a book supposedly written by Donald Trump. It's unclear whether Trump simply reused the art from the original novel or whether it was created for Trump's book in this timeline.
Claim: Operation Seed is ongoing.
Evaluation (as of 2023): True.
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- Arc Symbol: After being absent since (in terms of release order) the beginning of the series, the spinning wheel symbol from MISTERMANTICORE reappears as part of the Brown Note film that Leonard watched in school.
- Call-Back:
- During the segment regarding Lincolnlookers, we see a view of the Washington Monument broken in half as it was in WASHINGTONWORMHOLE, now with lightning seemingly shooting into or out of it.
- Maya and her cat are able to escape an incoming missile by seemingly teleporting through a corner of Maya's home, similar to what Riley did in the final scene of CORNERFOLK.
- In Spite of a Nail: Despite the apparent differences between the timeline of Modern Day and the previous seasons' timelines, a present-day member of the Arnoldson family still ended up associated with an animal they've named Mr. Squirrel, although here Mr. Squirrel is a therapy cat for Maya rather than an actual wild squirrel filmed by Lauren.
- Real After All: As with the pyramids on Mars in MUSKMARS, this episode seems to indicate that not all of the details from LINCOLNLOOKER were made up by the ADA, as Maya Arnoldson is shown to have briefly served as a Lincolnlooker in this timeline as well.
Claim: God bless America (prayer).
Evaluation: Remains unanswered.
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- Full-Name Basis: The titular Demon always refers to those it manipulates by their full first name, regardless of whether they tend to use a nickname in public, such as referring to Bill Clinton as "William" or Nikki Haley as "Nimarata".
Claim: The Debate Demon persists.
Evaluation (as of 2023): True.
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- Loophole Abuse: Despite having been raised in England, his parents' military service meant that Robert Pattinson technically had US citizenship, granting him the ability to run for president.
- Running Gag: Robert Pattinson represents the third time the series has portrayed a real life actor as having become president in an Alternate History, after James Dean and Monty Clift.
- Trash of the Titans: According to Pattinson, the Oval Office suffers from this; because every president since its constructed has requested the room be kept empty and silent as a sanctuary from the hellish environment of Washington politics, it's never once been cleaned, and the detritus of decades of administrations litters the place.
Claim: "Heaven is a room filled with silence and devoid of people."
Evaluation (as of 2023): Unverified.
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- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: The illustration of the Monument Monster that appears at the end of the video features a faint message reading "HELLO VIEWER", and the usual credits sequence saying "A film by Alex Casanas" and the year and month of release are replaced by "a film by THE MONUMENT MONSTER" and "HELL ON EARTH 2023" respectively.
- The Reveal: The Tears of Blood that Trump has been suffering from all season are the result of having watched a homemade film while waiting to be processed at Fulton County Jail. The film in question is all but stated to be the mysterious video featuring the MISTERMANTICORE spinning wheel animation described in THE SPECIAL TREE.
Claim: The Monument Monster reigns.
Evaluation (as of 2023): In all likelihood.
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- Alternate History: In addition to Walt Disney once again being implied to have gone into medicine, author Ernest Hemingway is revealed to have become a senator in this timeline.
- Call-Back: The reference to Walt Disney becoming a doctor instead of an animator and businessman in DEANDISASTER gets referenced again here, as Virginia is shown to have gone to live in an orphanage called the "Walt Disney Home for Children" after her parents' death.
- In Spite of a Nail: Despite being born decades later than she was in the Deanverse, this version of Virginia still suffered a tragic accident involving a ladder and a star-shaped object, leading to her being permanently separated from her parents.
Claim: "All things truly wicked start from innocence."
Evaluation (as of 2023): Authentic quote from Senator Ernest Hemingway.
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- Body Horror: Exposure to the "visual portal" causes Mickey's body to stretch backwards significantly in a method reminiscent of how the Special Trees cause climbers to be stretched out.
- Follow the Bouncing Ball: The opening of the episode starts to do this with a song set to Mickey's iconic whistling from the opening of the short. It gets a little over one line in before things take a turn for the disturbing.
- Ripped from the Headlines: The episode makes use of footage from Steamboat Willie, tying directly into the fact that said cartoon, and the version of Mickey Mouse featured in it, entered the public domain on the same date the episode was released (January 1st, 2024).
Claim: "Our greatest national resource is the minds of our children."
Evaluation (as of 2024): Authentic quote from Dr. Walt Disney.
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- The Bus Came Back: Alcatraz gets its first direct reference in the series since the events of The Nixonverse.
Claim: "Dictator Rob Pattinson burned America to the ground!"
Evaluation (as of 2024): President Robert Pattinson was not a dictator.
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- Canon Welding: For the first time since The Nixonverse, one of Alex Casanas's pre-Mythos short films, "Live Footage of a Black Hole", is reintroduced as part of the series.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: During the questions being posed to "Marco Cosmo" during the black hole livestream, one "question" by someone named Henry appears for only a split second before being replaced by a different one.
- I Fell for Hours: Mentioned by name by Cthonaut A when describing his fall after encountering the Debate Demon and Monument Monster.
- Once More, with Clarity: Several scenes from previous episodes- including the election of President Patterson, the footage of Operation Seed, the nuclear explosion from THE MONUMENT MONSTER, and the start of the creation myth from MONUMENTMYTHOLOGY- are revisited in this episode, now with the added context of this episode's reveals.
- The Reveal:
- The Debate Demon and the Monument Monster were created by Alcatraz in order to push the president into starting a nuclear war, thereby allowing Alcatraz to feed on the radiation and become a god.
- It's implied that the reason the mysterious videotape(s) with the spinning wheel from MISTERMANTICORE affects people so badly is that it causes partial or full possession by the Demon and/or the Monster, as happens to Cthonaut A when he watches such a film deep below Alcatraz.
- Wham Episode: Alcatraz is officially revealed to be the Greater-Scope Villain behind the Debate Demon and the Monument Monster, and the creation myth from MONUMENTMYTHOLOGY is hinted to have more truth to it than initially believed.
- Wham Line:
- We get an absolute cavalcade of them during the video that Cthonaut A watches deep beneath Alcatraz, revealing how precisely the sentient island is related to the ongoing story arc and tying together most of the events of the season:
WE'RE NEARLY DONE POSSESSING YOU. - In the final segment, after the camera pans into the black hole to show two heavily distorted figures inside, the feed cuts away to the final segment of the episode... and we hear a familiar voice clip, Arc Welding Modern Day to perhaps the last episode that anyone in the audience expected to make a return.
Long ago, a universe ended, and all fell into darkness...
- We get an absolute cavalcade of them during the video that Cthonaut A watches deep beneath Alcatraz, revealing how precisely the sentient island is related to the ongoing story arc and tying together most of the events of the season:
- Wham Shot: When the Monument Monster and Debate Demon start to explain the nature of their existence and their plan, we get a return of the spinning wheel symbol from MISTERMANTICORE... which then cuts to a similar shot of an "Alcatraz Hydrogen Atom" from THE ABSOLUTE NIXONVERSE, marking the first time that the Nixonverse has gotten a direct reference in the main series.
Evaluation (as of 2024): 2:50 - 4:40
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- Adaptation Deviation: Though the majority of the footage is kept largely unaltered, specific omissions and the new framing device mean that some of the implications of the events of this series are altered from their home series.
- Instead of the Croatoan being a time-traveling copy of Oppenheimer created during a nuclear weapons test, they're implied to have been a citizen of Roanoake Colony before its disappearance, possibly the first one to be exposed to the natural nuclear reactor and turn invisible.
- The "gadget" that Oppenheimer was testing during the events of OTHEROPPENHEIMER are no longer portrayed as creating the Croatoan, but rather being the US government's first successful attempt to damage or cut down a Special Tree.
- Adapted Out: A few sections of the original Trinity Desk Project were cut from the compilation, including Oppenheimer's poem and the opening animation from DEVILSTOWERTEETH.
- Canon Welding: Like THE HOUSE IN THE OCEAN, the episode acts as a compilation of a previously-standalone (and now-deleted) series by Alex Casanas, this time with an additional framing device tying the story more closely to the Mythos.
- Connected All Along:
- The titular entity from LIBERTYLUNG is here confirmed to be the "inflamed lung" of the Horned Serpent.
- The version of Leonard Morlin from Modern Day is implied to have been one of the students killed during the "Front Row at NASA" incident.
- Madness Mantra: Two unusual variations, as the repetition is part of the background audio rather than spoken by a character, but it has very much the same unsettling effect.
This... was a natural nuclear reactor.
The stakes are too high for you to stay home. - Wham Line: Immediately after the "gadget" detonates- an event which, in the original Trinity Desk Project, marked the birth of the Croatoan- we suddenly cut to audio from STARRYSPHINX, placing both the experiment and a previously overlooked line from that episode into new context and putting a Meta Twist on the scene:
Leonard Morlin: The goal was not to cut down any of the Trees, of course. That would not be possible until 1945.
- Wham Shot: An absolute gut-punch of an example occurs to those familiar with the original Trinity Desk Project. After the briefing from the DOCtors about the Organic Curtain and "America's True Self", we hear Maya's voice reiterate her final question about what happened to the Leonard Morlin from her universe... at which point the camera cuts to an all-too-familiar clip of someone receiving an invitation to the Front Row at NASA.
Claim: The original Trinity Desk can be found deep within a national park.
Evaluation (as of 2024): Confirmed.
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- Back for the Finale / The Bus Came Back: A ton of characters and elements reappear from previous episodes after an extended absence.
- The episode focuses on Riley Tillon, completely unseen since the very first episode and unmentioned since the Season 2 premier, and shows the aftermath of his journey into the Cornerworld.
- The godlike version of Cthonaut A from Season 3 makes his first appearance since FREEDOMFOREVER, meeting Riley in the Cornerworld.
- The Deanverse's version of John D. Rockefeller and the Nixonverse's version of John Glenn, two characters who were evicted from reality in previous episodes, are encountered again and revealed to have become Cornerfolk.
- The Horned Serpent makes a split-second appearance in the final shot before the credits, briefly emerging from the Statue of Liberty's base as the episode ends.
- Bookends:
- The last episode of THE MONUMENT MYTHOS focuses on the same thing as the first episode in playlist order: the Cornerfolk and their home dimension.
- The last shot before the credits shows the Horned Serpent starting to emerge from the base of the Statue of Liberty, mirroring the climactic shot of LIBERTYLURKER, the first episode specifically created to be part of the Mythos.
- Face–Heel Turn: Narrowly subverted. After being driven half-mad by the transmissions he has been receiving in his brain since his journey into the Cornerworld, Riley returns to the dimension with the intention of getting revenge on the Cornerfolk. However, he is intercepted by Cthonaut A, who convinces Riley to stay with him and collect monuments to decorate his inter-dimensional art gallery.
- Grand Finale: Per Alex's confirmation in community posts, this episode serves as the end of THE MONUMENT MYTHOS as a whole.
Claim: "As of 2024, Riley Tillon remains in the care of his friends."
Evaluation (as of 2024): False.
A Monument Mythos
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- Continuity Cavalcade: Several of the most significant human characters and anomalies return in this video, usually paired together based on their association in the series:
- J. Robert Oppenheimer is shown alongside the Croatoan.
- George Washington is shown alongside the Horned Serpent.
- John Rockefeller is shown alongside a Canyon Crown.
- James Dean is shown alongside Everett Arnoldson.
- While not paired up with familiar figures, the Debate Demon, the Monument Monster, Robert Pattinson, and- in a Freeze-Frame Bonus- Joe Biden and Donald Trump all appear in the montage.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Much like how THE MONUMENT MONSTER and a few episodes following it were listed as being created by the titular Monster, this episode's credit list the Croatoan as its creator.
- Meaningful Release Date: This video was released on February 29th, an "invisible day", in that it only comes around during leap years.
- Odd Name Out: As of its release, this is the only episode of the series to eschew the all-caps naming conventions of the series. note
- Wham Shot: The credits, revealing who made the film, and (it's implied) the final season:
A Monument Mythos: A Film By The Croatoan
History repeats. History rhymes. Humans forget.