Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes: How To Fix Them (2024)

Quite recently, many Destiny 2 players are encountering the two infamous error codes - PLUM and BEAVER, that prevents them from launching or playing the game.

In fact, Bungie has acknowledged this issue and stated on their official Twitter account that they’re working on a fix to patch these errors. Meanwhile, our Destiny 2 guide provides a quick rundown of all the potential methods to fix the Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER error codes.

What is the error code PLUM in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes: How To Fix Them (1)

Bungie has an anti-cheat software called BattlEye that works with Destiny 2 to stop cheaters. You have to install BattlEye with Destiny 2, and it is essential for launching the game.

However, you may see the error code PLUM if there is an issue between your PC and BattlEye. This error code tends to happen more often around the time when Bungie performs maintenance or updates.

According to Bungie, error code PLUM means that “BattlEye has detected a problem with your computer that may be in violation of Bungie’s Terms of Service.” This could mean that you have some software or hardware that interferes with the game or gives you an unfair advantage. It could also mean that your Windows system is outdated or corrupted.

What is the error code BEAVER in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes: How To Fix Them (2)

The error code BEAVER in Destiny 2 means that your console has a problem connecting to another player’s console via the internet. This might be due to various things, such as issues with your network quality, router settings, ISP service, or game bugs.

Bungie says that BEAVER, FLATWORM, and LEOPARD errors happen when your console can’t connect to another player’s console online. This can be caused by connection quality issues (such as packet loss, ISP saturation, or general internet congestion).

It might be your WiFi, your wiring, or some other riddle that needs a professional. But in most cases, it’s your router or network that’s causing the problem.

How To Fix Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes

There are some possible solutions to fix these error codes and enjoy Destiny 2 without any interruption. Here are some of them:

Disable conflicting software

Some third-party software, such as VPNs, may interfere with Destiny 2 or its anti-cheat software, BattlEye. This can cause error codes like PLUM or BEAVER. To avoid this, disable any software that may conflict with the game or BattlEye before launching Destiny 2.

Update Windows

Your Windows system may be outdated or corrupted, which can also cause error codes. To fix this, make sure that your Windows system is up to date and has no missing or corrupted files. You can check for updates manually by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. You can also use the Windows Update Troubleshooter tool to find and fix any problems with your Windows update.

Check file integrity

Your Destiny 2 game files may be damaged or corrupted, which can also cause error codes. To fix this, verify that your Destiny 2 game files are intact and not damaged. You can do this by using the Steam client’s Verify Integrity of Game Files option or the Blizzard client’s Scan and Repair option. These options will scan your game files and repair any issues they find.

Update your GPU drivers

Your graphics card drivers may be outdated or incompatible with the game, which can also cause error codes. To fix this, make sure that your graphics card drivers are updated and compatible with the game. You can use the manufacturer’s website or a third-party tool like Driver Booster to update your drivers. These tools will scan your system and find the best drivers for your graphics card.

Restart your PC

Sometimes, a simple restart can fix many issues and clear any temporary files or cache that may cause errors. To do this, simply shut down your PC and turn it back on. This may help with some error codes.

Re-install Destiny 2

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to uninstall and re-install Destiny 2 completely. This may take some time and bandwidth, but it may also resolve any persistent errors. To do this, simply uninstall Destiny 2 from your Steam or Blizzard client and then download and install it again.

Wait for a patch from Bungie

If the error codes are caused by bugs in the game, you may have to wait for Bungie to release a patch or an update that fixes them. You can follow @BungieHelp on Twitter for any news or announcements regarding Destiny 2. Bungie is constantly working on improving the game and fixing any issues that players encounter.

For more Destiny 2 guides, check out the server status of the game and the easiest way to obtain salvage keys.

Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes: How To Fix Them (2024)


Destiny 2 PLUM and BEAVER Error Codes: How To Fix Them? ›

On your drive, locate the BattlEye install and delete it, then verify your game files for Steam to automatically redownload it. Sounds like the issue is there. Originally posted by Crazy Jim: On your drive, locate the BattlEye install and delete it, then verify your game files for Steam to automatically redownload it.

How to fix error code plum in Destiny 2? ›

On your drive, locate the BattlEye install and delete it, then verify your game files for Steam to automatically redownload it. Sounds like the issue is there. Originally posted by Crazy Jim: On your drive, locate the BattlEye install and delete it, then verify your game files for Steam to automatically redownload it.

How do I fix the beaver error code in Destiny? ›

To troubleshoot this error, try switching to a wired connection, enabling UPnP on your router, or opening your NAT. If your NAT is Strict or Type 3, it's recommended to get your NAT into an Open or Type 1 state. BEAVER error code is also known by FLATWORM or LEOPARD error codes.

What is the beaver code in Destiny 2? ›

BEAVER/FLATWORM/LEOPARD errors are caused by a failure to connect your console to another player's console via the internet. This can be caused by connection quality issues (such as packet loss, ISP saturation, or general internet congestion).

What is the battle code plum? ›

The Bungie official website explains that error code Plum appears when BattlEye detects a problem with your PC that could potentially violate the developers' Terms of Service. Fear not, as you may be running the game without the latest version of Windows, which could cause some issues.

Why do I keep getting error codes on Destiny 2? ›

It might be that Bungie performing maintenance or unexpected server issues are causing a spike in error codes or that there's an issue on your end preventing you from connecting to Destiny 2 properly. That means fixing errors is tricky since they're unpredictable and sometimes not even your fault.

Do I need BattlEye for Destiny 2? ›

Installation and Playing Destiny 2

To play Destiny 2, BattlEye will automatically install when Destiny 2 receives an update and will be active on a player's computer when Destiny 2 is running. Players must allow BattlEye to be installed if they want to play Destiny 2.

What is the error code potato in Destiny 2? ›

This error may occur when there are render initialization or resource failures. TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: It's possible that the installation is corrupted and will need to be reinstalled. Players may want to review our Installing Destiny 2 article.

What is the error code Raptor in Destiny 2? ›

This error is due to an MTU setting on your PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, or PlayStation 5 that is not supported by Destiny.

What is the error code bee in Destiny 2? ›

BEE, FLY, and LION error codes can be caused by general disconnections between you and the various routes your traffic takes across the internet to get to Bungie. This includes packet loss or disconnections between your home network and Bungie (such as ISP saturation or general internet congestion).

Are there any cheat codes for Destiny? ›

Since Destiny 2 is an MMO-lite, there aren't any real cheats like speed boosts that you can use, at least not without the risk of getting banned.

How do I claim Destiny 2 codes? ›

To redeem codes in Destiny 2, head to the official Destiny 2 Code Redemption page. You must first log in to your account before redeeming codes. On the redemption page, you'll see your currently logged-in account, and a space to enter your code. Simply enter the code and click "Redeem".

What is the monkey code in Destiny 2? ›

Bungie is actively tracking this general networking error. Your disconnect was reported the moment it occurred. If you continue to receive this error, please consider following the suggestions in our Network Troubleshooting Guide.

What is the code number for plum? ›

Plum is a purplish-brown color with the hex code #673147, a quaternary color made from equal parts russet and slate in the RGB color model.

Why is Destiny 2 not working? ›

Players may want to clear their console cache, or, if they're on PC, clear their download cache to see if that will help resolve the issue. Power cycling the internet modem and/or router may resolve the issue. Review our guide on improving latency and packet loss to see if that might help.

What is the secret code purple? ›

American experts named the Japanese code PURPLE, and they called intelligence from these messages MAGIC. Unfortunately, the PURPLE diplomatic code did not provide specific military information, so Americans had no advance knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack of Dec. 7, 1941.

Why do I keep getting error code Currant? ›

There are instances of players getting Currant whenever they try to go into orbit, move into a new area, or complete a mission. In this case, it's very likely that the Destiny 2 servers are just suffering from severe load issues right now, and your only solution is to wait it out as the servers stabilize.

Why is BattlEye not responding in Destiny 2? ›

This can happen if the server's or your connection times out for quite a while or breaks up completely. A common solution is to update your modem/router's firmware. Also, make sure that you aren't running “Cucusoft Net Guard” which is incompatible with BE.

Why do I keep getting error code bee Destiny 2? ›

BEE, FLY, and LION error codes can be caused by general disconnections between you and the various routes your traffic takes across the internet to get to Bungie. This includes packet loss or disconnections between your home network and Bungie (such as ISP saturation or general internet congestion).


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